Membership rewarded. Lions Stroud and Kreager receive 50! year awards. Lion Jenkins receives a 10-year award. Awards presented by Lion President Jungman.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
Master Gardeners
Dallas County Master Gardeners gave the Adel Lions Club an update of progress on the Dallas County Fairgrounds project and introduced new programs available to all residents. Following their presentation, we presented them with a donation of $2,000 to assist their efforts. Pictured L-R are Megan Will, Lion President Jungman, and Kari Johns.
Saturday, January 27, 2024
2024 Pinewood Derby
Our club once again assisted the scouts with their annual Pinewood Derby. Lions Waltz and Jenkins checked the cars in on Friday evening making sure they met requirements. Lion McAvoy served as the race starter for the 42nd year. Another great day of competition "Best of Show" went to "The Fabulous Hudson Hornet".
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Victory Bell
Jim Peters, President of the ADM Alumni Association, presents information about a proposed new Victory Bell to eventually be placed at the new ADM High School. It would be part of a plaza that would include a statue of Nile Kinnick, Heisman Trophy award winner from Adel.
Blue Kindness
At our last meeting, we heard about the new Blue Kindness program started by Dennis Leininger and the ADM police force. The intent is to find ways to foster cooperation and respect between our officers and the public. Services already provided are help with car and furnace repairs as well as buying and serving coffee to residents. Pictured are officers Chief Gordy Shephered, Officer Wade Book, and Dennis Leininger. The club voted to donate $2500.
Wednesday, January 3, 2024
ADM Dance
ADM Dance Team visited our club at our last meeting. They gave us details on their goal to go to the national dance competition. They qualified at a regional camp in July. They need to raise about $25,000 to cover the costs. So far they have raised about $20,000. Following the regular meeting our Club voted to donate $1,000 towards their goal. Keep up the good work, ladies.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Eagle Scout Project
Paul Giles updated our club on his successful Eagle Scout project. Congratulations on your success, Paul. Well done!
Learning about Romania
We were honored to hear from Daria Sopinu, an ADM foreign exchange student from Romania. Daria gave us an excellent presentation about her country and her experiences here in the ADM schools.
Holiday Flag help
At our Dec. 20th meeting we paid out $15,825 to organizations who assisted us with our Holiday Flag Program. Shown are: Boy Scouts- $7,500--Girl Scouts-$1,200--E-Sports-$825--Strength and Conditioning-$1,100--ADM Softball Association-$2,200-DeSoto Betterment-$3,000. Amounts are based on participation by each group.
Wednesday, December 6, 2023
At our last meeting, the local FFA Chapter presented information on what they do and the status of their Chapter, which currently has 114 members. Pictured are Tori Schmidt, ADM Chapter President, and McKenzie Gettler, Chapter Advisor. Our Club was pleasantly surprised that the Chapter honored us with an Honorary Degree!
Warren Coleman Award winner
9SW District Governor, Dawn Goodsell attended our last meeting to present Lion Josh Shull with a Warren Coleman Award for his efforts in recruiting new members for our Club. Congratulations Lion Shull!
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Adel Good Samaritan Food Pantry
Carole Erickson-Schepers gave us an excellent presentation on the ADM Backpack Program at our meeting last night. It's amazing the number of students who are food insecure. You can help by donating to Good Samaritan Food Pantry and indicate in the "memo" of your check that the donation is intended for the ADM Backpack Program.
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
New Lions Members
New members installed. L-R Lanny Montag and his sponsor Josh Shull, Elizabeth Chatt and her sponsor Scott Jungman.