At their recent meeting the Adel Lions Club invited organizations who assisted them with their Holiday Flag Project. Over 1300 flags were put out last year in the cities of Adel and DeSoto. Lion President Rohret presented three groups representing their respective organizations with a portion of the funds raised, based on the amount of their participation. He and the Club thanked each organization for their assistance. Without them the project could not be as successful as it is.
The Boy Scouts have helped on each Holiday for several years. Joining them part way through last year were the Girl Scouts. In DeSoto, The Friends of DeSoto-Betterment Committee asked if they could participate in their city. The Adel Lions were eager to work with them to extend the Holiday Flag program to their city as well.
The Lions are preparing for another successful year in 2020. They welcome both Scouts organizations to a full year of participation as well as the Friends of DeSoto. Lions thanks everyone in both communities for their participation. Our communities look great with over 1300 flags flying to honor our nation!
Sign-up sheets for 2020 are available in several locations, from any Lions Club member, as well as on the Adel Lions Club website:
Photo captions:
$1,000 to Friends of DeSoto; Marie Hansen, President Rohret, and Carol Lee
$6300 to Adel boy scouts Troup 152; President Rohret, Ty Landphar, Jordan Chapman, Hunter Landphar, and Lion Bob Davis scout leader
$900 to Adel Girl Scouts Troup 508; Breanna Young, President Rohret, and Piper Giles